Prof David Hopkins BMG

BMG Retired

Prof David Hopkins' photo

Bio: David has been an active rock climber, alpinist and skier since the late 1960’s and lives in the Peak District, Derbyshire and Argentiere Mont Blanc. He qualified as a British Mountain Guide in 1977 and the following year was one of the ten British Mountain Guides to first receive the International Mountain Guides (UIAGM) carnet. Since then he has led twelve expeditions to the world’s great mountain ranges. In 1997 he became the inaugural Chair of the Mountain Guides Professional Standards Committee. In recent years, David has led a number of expeditions to Nepal and Tibet in support of charities for those with disabilities. Amongst these was the Macintyre ‘An Everest to Climb’ expedition where four mentally disabled mountaineers, together with Macintyre’s Patron The Duchess of York, reached the summit of Pokalde (5800m). In April 2004 he guided a group from Macintyre to the North Col of Mount Everest (7033m). David is also an educationalist and is currently Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Bolton and founder of the Adventure Learning Schools Charity. David was recently ranked as the 16th most influential educator in the world by the American based Global Gurus organization.


  • BMG Retired


BMG: British Association of Mountain Guides

BMG members work as Mountain Guides in the UK, Europe and further afield in the world's famous climbing areas and high mountain ranges. Every BMG Guide has a solid base of experience, knowledge and skill. Collectively they share a common passion for climbing, mountaineering and skiing, and a professionalism for leading groups in challenging and hazardous terrain. Beyond this, they are a diverse group of individuals, with a wide range of achievements and other interests.

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