Ric Potter BMG

BMG Full Guide

Ric Potter's photo

Bio: As a passionate climber, skier and snowboarder, I spend my year guiding backcountry skiing and snowboarding in the winter and spring, and Alpine guiding , rock climbing and general mountain skills training in the summer and autumn. I started rock climbing aged 14, and since then I've skied, climbed and snowboarded in many parts of the world. My experience includes everything from high altitude mountaineering in the Andes and Himalayas, to a wealth of Alpine climbing and skiing and rock climbing all over the place from America to familiar surroundings on the doorstep where I live in North Wales. I've been working as a mountaineering instructor (MIC) and mountain guide since the early 90s, including a number of years living and working full time in the Alps. I'm a qualified teacher (Outdoor Ed/English), andI have been a regular trainer and assessor on UK mountain awards like ML and MIA for many years. I am also part of the team delivering British Mountain Guides training scheme courses.



  • BMG Full Guide


  • Ski Touring
  • British Rock Climbing
  • Off Piste Skiing
  • British Mountaineering
  • Rock Around the World
  • Alpinism


BMG: British Association of Mountain Guides

BMG members work as Mountain Guides in the UK, Europe and further afield in the world's famous climbing areas and high mountain ranges. Every BMG Guide has a solid base of experience, knowledge and skill. Collectively they share a common passion for climbing, mountaineering and skiing, and a professionalism for leading groups in challenging and hazardous terrain. Beyond this, they are a diverse group of individuals, with a wide range of achievements and other interests.

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