Al Powell BMG

BMG Full Guide

Al Powell's photo

Bio: Hi - I'm a full time guide and a director of Alpine Guides, working mostly in the Alps but also further afield. Wild corners of the globe and adventure for adventures sake are the things that define my life in the mountains - it's what I aim to share with everyone I ski and climb with. In the winter I specialise in ski touring, generally in more out of the way destinations around the European Alps, Northern Europe and further afield. In earlier years, I raced for the GB ski mountaineering team at two World Championships and several other large international races, but nowadays my ski touring is 100% recreational! In the summer months I work in the Alps, running trips and courses for Alpine Guides. Background: I've lived in the mountains my whole life, both parents having been keen Alpinists. In my personal climbing I've concentrated mainly on winter alpinism and expeditions, having climbed several cutting edge new routes around the world during the course of numerous expeditions to the Greater Ranges. I've also done quite a bit of running over the years, with highlights including British Night Orienteering Champion (5 times), winning the Elite course on both the LAMM and OMM Mountain Marathons and ultra running (first Briton to run the Tour du Mont Blanc in under 24hrs - 102ml & 9000m ascent - that hurt!) Nowadays however, I mostly race in orienteering events and a few local leagues. I'm keen on mountain biking - both recreationally and competitively - where I've won the Polaris Challenge and ridden for the British Masters Mtn Bike Orienteering Team at the World Championships: nowadays it's mostly recreational though. I currently live in Yorkshire, with a growing family - balancing guiding work, sporting interests and gardening(!), with family time and working for Alpine Guides.



  • BMG Full Guide


  • Alpinism
  • Ski Touring


BMG: British Association of Mountain Guides

BMG members work as Mountain Guides in the UK, Europe and further afield in the world's famous climbing areas and high mountain ranges. Every BMG Guide has a solid base of experience, knowledge and skill. Collectively they share a common passion for climbing, mountaineering and skiing, and a professionalism for leading groups in challenging and hazardous terrain. Beyond this, they are a diverse group of individuals, with a wide range of achievements and other interests.

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