Jon Wigg BMG

BMG Full Guide

Jon Wigg's photo

Bio: A keen alpinist, climber and Ski Tourer, my passion has led me all over the world in pursuit of the next adventure. With over 30 years of climbing and ski touring experience, I have learned that the best adventures are about who you are with as well as what you are doing. Whether it is climbing and ski touring in the Alps, rock climbing somewhere exotic or coaching and teaching new techniques, I look forward to fun and adventurous times. Based between Chamonix and London, I offer guiding in all levels of alpinism, ski touring and climbing, (Sports climbing, trad, ice and Alpine) including coaching and instruction. In addition to guiding, I also enjoy coaching rock climbers to achieve their performance climbing goals and have worked with climbers to break into the higher sport climbing grades. I offer personalised coaching sessions during which we assess and develop the individual rock climber’s performance in the mental, physical, strategical and tactical approach to sport climbing and training.



  • BMG Full Guide


  • Alpinism
  • Expeditions
  • British Rock Climbing
  • Ice Climbing
  • Off Piste Skiing
  • Rock Around the World
  • Ski Touring
  • Trekking
  • British Mountaineering
  • Via Ferrata


BMG: British Association of Mountain Guides

BMG members work as Mountain Guides in the UK, Europe and further afield in the world's famous climbing areas and high mountain ranges. Every BMG Guide has a solid base of experience, knowledge and skill. Collectively they share a common passion for climbing, mountaineering and skiing, and a professionalism for leading groups in challenging and hazardous terrain. Beyond this, they are a diverse group of individuals, with a wide range of achievements and other interests.

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