David Gladwin BMG

BMG Full Guide

David Gladwin's photo

Bio: David was born in Newcastle but now lives in the alps all year round so that he can be closer to his passions. In the winters he teaches and guides snowboarding and skiing in the alps and is one of a handful of guides to also hold the BASI ISTD instructor qualification and french carte pro . He really loves exploring the greater ranges and the cultural diversities they have to offer. From putting up New routes in Patagonia, Alaska or in his back yard in the alps its all great fun..


  • BMG Full Guide


  • Ice Climbing
  • Off Piste Skiing
  • Ski Touring
  • Trekking
  • Rock Around the World
  • Alpinism
  • Expeditions


BMG: British Association of Mountain Guides

BMG members work as Mountain Guides in the UK, Europe and further afield in the world's famous climbing areas and high mountain ranges. Every BMG Guide has a solid base of experience, knowledge and skill. Collectively they share a common passion for climbing, mountaineering and skiing, and a professionalism for leading groups in challenging and hazardous terrain. Beyond this, they are a diverse group of individuals, with a wide range of achievements and other interests.

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