Steve Sassaman AMGA

AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor

City: Philadelphia

Province: PA

Bio: Currently, I work at Temple University's Ambler Campus as the Assistant Director, Recreation Services & Outdoor Experiential Education. From 2015 to 2022 I worked at West Chester University leading the Outdoor Adventure Pursuits program, involving the coordination of outdoor trips and the management of our indoor climbing wall. In addition to my involvement with the AMGA, I am also an Association for Challenge Course Technology Certified Course Manager, an American Canoe Association kayaking instructor, and Leave No Trace Master Educator.

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  • AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor


AMGA: American Mountain Guides Association

The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) is a 501(c)(3) educational non‐profit that is dedicated to supporting the American mountain guiding community. Their mission is to be the leader in education, standards, and advocacy for professional guides and climbing instructors.

As the leading organization of America’s most vibrant, inspiring community of climbers and skiers, the AMGA offers you cutting edge knowledge and hundreds of years of collective experience that you won’t get from any other climbing organization.

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