Andrew Krause AMGA

AMGA Single Pitch Instructor

City: Olympic Valley

Province: CA

Bio: After graduating from the University of Maine in May 2018 with a degree in Nature Based Tourism and a minor in Mechanical Engineering Technology Andrew has taken an active role in the Bangor community. He is currently the manager of Acadia Mountain Guides Climbing School and an apprentice rock and alpine guide. If you can catch him on a day when he’s not working on writing the new Clifton Climbers Guide or guiding he would love to show you all the rock Maine has to offer.

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  • AMGA Single Pitch Instructor


AMGA: American Mountain Guides Association

The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) is a 501(c)(3) educational non‐profit that is dedicated to supporting the American mountain guiding community. Their mission is to be the leader in education, standards, and advocacy for professional guides and climbing instructors.

As the leading organization of America’s most vibrant, inspiring community of climbers and skiers, the AMGA offers you cutting edge knowledge and hundreds of years of collective experience that you won’t get from any other climbing organization.

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