Jeremy Peet AMGA

City: Petaling Jaya

Province: 10

Bio: Born in New Zealand, I 'cut my teeth' on the mountains and rivers of what would later come to be known (to the rest of the world) as middle earth. The tourism industry of NZ was booming with new adventure operators starting up in every corner of the country. Granting me the unique opportunity to try my hand in many disciplines of outdoor guiding, from climbing mountains, to diving fjords, to black water rafting...and then some! Eventually leaving NZ in 97' I used my boat skippers, scuba guide and eventual dive instructor qualification to travel and explore much Australia and South East Asia, eventually arriving in Thailand, where I joined a start up operation testing helium ballooning, what can I say.. everything goes in Asia. 2002 was the next big move, to Kuala Lumpur, where together with a small team of entrepreneurs we set up a climbing wall production, which lead eventually to the building of our very own climbing gym, and Asia's Largest Indoor Climbing Gym - Camp5, in 2005. As Director of Camp5 I have focused my efforts on the mutual benefits of establishing a reputation for high standard of safety and, in doing so, in expanding the level of knowledge and awareness of safety practices in climbing. Becoming a AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor Provider, in 2007, was inline with theses goals, ensuring quality programs facilitated by trained and qualified guides and instructors. In addition to my role with Camp5, I work closely with PETZL providing regional support in the form of training of PETZL solutions and hold and IRATA Level 1 cert. As a Trainer I am often called on to provide staff training, safety audits and inspections of climbing walls, equipment, and operations, often for schools, theme or adventure parks where climbing has been included in their operation. Its great to see climbing becoming readily accepted and adopted into other industries, but this come with a price as often these new climbing wall owners are often lacking the knowledge and expertise. So I find a lot of satisfaction in helping others in the region to prompt climbing in a safety, responsible and sustainable manner.


AMGA: American Mountain Guides Association

The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) is a 501(c)(3) educational non‐profit that is dedicated to supporting the American mountain guiding community. Their mission is to be the leader in education, standards, and advocacy for professional guides and climbing instructors.

As the leading organization of America’s most vibrant, inspiring community of climbers and skiers, the AMGA offers you cutting edge knowledge and hundreds of years of collective experience that you won’t get from any other climbing organization.

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