Randy Heppell ACMG

ACMG Apprentice Ski Guide

Bio: “Find peace in a pace”. It took a few years to understand the true meaning of this when a mentor shared this statement. I knew he was trying hard to teach me something but I didn’t, at that stage of my learning, have full grasp of the concept. Pace comes in many speeds depending on the goals to be achieved and the expectations of my guests. What might work for some would push others over that delicate edge or leave some folks feeling short changed. All life is balance. There have been days when all of us were pushing through to achieve a high goal. Those days are some of the deepest in my memory. I wouldn’t have changed a thing. The flip side of that coin are days when the mountains were telling me “today is not the day”. Find a piece of terrain that works for the conditions and my guests ability and experience. The point is to finish the day safely and feeling fulfilled that we were able to interpret what the mountains were willing to let us enjoy. Find peace in your pace.



  • ACMG Apprentice Ski Guide


ACMG: Association Of Canadian Mountain Guides

The ACMG is the professional association of trained and certified Mountain Guides, Hiking Guides and Climbing Instructors dedicated to protecting public safety and enjoyment in climbing, skiing and hiking adventures.

ACMG members guide and instruct climbing, backcountry skiing and hiking throughout Canada and the rest of the world.

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